Weight loss (buy)

                                                  CLENBUTEROL 40 mcg
Brand Name: Clenbuterol
Also Known As: GP Clen, Clenodex, Clenbutaplex
Active Ingredient: Clenbuterol Hydrochloride
Manufacturer: LA Pharma

Active Life: Up to 68 hours
Drug Class: Beta-2-symphatonimetric, thermalgenic (Oral)
Effective Dose: Men 40-140 mcg/day......WomeWater Retention:n 40-120 mcg/day
Acne: No No
High Blood Pressure: Sometimes
Aromatization: None
Cycle: Cutting/Dieting/Weight Loss

Clenbuterol is manufactured by LA Pharma.

Clenbuterol works the same way as ephedrine. However, unlike ephedrine, which is out of the body in a few hours, clenbuterol lasts for days. So you are on it 24 hours a day. No one chooses to be on ephedrine 24 hours per day, because it interferes with sleep, and so clenbuterol is more effective. Also, for the same effect on fat cells, clenbuterol accelerates heart rate less, so one can use effectively a higher dose. (Not a greater quantity, but a dose giving a greater effect on fat cells for the same effect on tachycardia.) It results in severe downregulation of beta receptors, which moderate ephedrine use does not do. Thus, it is particularly effective only for a short time.

The most common side effect is a slight shaking of the body. Because clenbuterol raises your body's core temperature (hence using up more calories) this shaking is actually helping you lose weight. The shaking should not be so bad to make you feel sick, to stop you working or living a normal life.
- Increased body temperature is another desirable side effect which shows the clenbuterol is working and you are losing fat at an increased rate.
- Increased blood pressure will also be noted. This shouldn't be a problem but if you do have a history of blood pressure problems that we suggest you consult with your doctor first.
- Another possible side effect is muscle cramps. Again this is caused by your body working harder. Unlike the shaking, cramps are an undesired side effect. To stop muscle cramps we suggest that you take a potassium supplement or eat foods that are high in potassium such as bananas.

Men 40-140 mcg/day.
Women 40-120 mcg/day


                                                                    XENICAL 120mg

Brand Name: Xenical
Active Ingredient: Orlistat
Manufacturer: Roche

Active Life: Up to 68 hours
Effective Dose: 120 mg/day (take in the morning)
Water Retention: No
High Blood Pressure: Sometimes
Aromatization: None
Cycle: Cutting/Dieting/Weight Loss

Xenical is manufactured by Roche.
Xenical is the common brand name for the active ingredient Orlistat.

Xenical is a slimming tablet designed to help people with obesity by inhibiting up to a third of the fat that you consume from being absorbed by your body. When used in addition to a diet consiting of no more than 30% calorie intake of fat it has been proved to reduce a patients weight by up to 10% within a single year. Manufactured by Roche and approved for use since 1998, Xenical has long since been the favourite oral first line treatment for obesity due to is wide suitability, success rate and low side effects. Unlike other obesity treatments, such as Sibutramine and Reductil, Xenical does not work in the brain or central nervous system but instead in the intestinal tract which makes it a very safe and predictable medication.

Unlike the other weight loss medications currently available in the UK which all work on both the brain and the central nervous system to suppress appetite or speed up a patients metabolism, Xenical works in the digestive system to stop up to a third of the fat that you eat from being digested and taking into the body. Usually, when a person does not take Xenical, lipases attach them selves to the fat within the digestive system working to break this down but when Xenical is taken many of these lipases are blocked by its active ingredient attaching itself to these, preventing the breakdown of fat.

Xenical is a very safe drug as it only works within the intestinal tract and therefore does not have too many possible side effects, unlike the other obesity treatments currently available. However, as with all treatments there are some side effects, although these are temporary and should pass within the first few days of taking this treatment. These side effects include oily stools, flatulence and more frequent bowel.

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                                                   SIBUTRAMINE 15 mg
Brand Name: Reduce
Active Ingredient: Sibutramine Hydrochloride Monohydrate

Active Life: Up to 68 hours
Effective Dose: 15-30 mg/day
Water Retention: No
High Blood Pressure: Sometimes
Aromatization: None
Cycle: Cutting/Dieting/Weight Loss

Reduce is the brand name for the active ingredient Sibutramine Hydrochloride Monohydrate.

Sibutramine affects neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters are chemicals stored in nerve cells that are involved in transmitting messages between these cells. When a message is transmitted these neurotransmitters are released from nerve cells only to be reabsorbed after the message has been transmitted.

Reductil stops two of these neurotransmitters – noradrenaline and serotonin from being reabsorbed into the nerve cells. These two neurotransmitters are responsible for controlling mood and other processes in the brain. An increase in the amount of free noradrenaline and serotonin enhances the feeling of fullness received from eating. Reductil thus makes you feel satisfied even after eating less food.

Reduce may lead to a reduction in the ability to drive or operate machinery safely. It may cause dizziness or drowsiness in some people. In certain cases Reduce has also been found to harm the unborn baby in pregnant women. You should buy Reductil only after fully understanding its side effects.
Men 15-30 mg/day.
Women 15-30 mg/day


                                                REDUCTIL 15mg / 28 tablets  
Brand Name: Reductil
Active Ingredient: Sibutramine Hydrochloride Monohydrate

Active Life: Up to 68 hours
Effective Dose: 15-30 mg/day
Water Retention: No
High Blood Pressure: Sometimes
Aromatization: None
Cycle: Cutting/Dieting/Weight Loss

Reductil is the common brand name for the active ingredient Sibutramine Hydrochloride Monohydrate.

Sibutramine affects neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters are chemicals stored in nerve cells that are involved in transmitting messages between these cells. When a message is transmitted these neurotransmitters are released from nerve cells only to be reabsorbed after the message has been transmitted.

Reductil stops two of these neurotransmitters – noradrenaline and serotonin from being reabsorbed into the nerve cells. These two neurotransmitters are responsible for controlling mood and other processes in the brain. An increase in the amount of free noradrenaline and serotonin enhances the feeling of fullness received from eating. Reductil thus makes you feel satisfied even after eating less food.

Reductil may lead to a reduction in the ability to drive or operate machinery safely. It may cause dizziness or drowsiness in some people. In certain cases Reductil has also been found to harm the unborn baby in pregnant women. You should buy Reductil only after fully understanding its side effects.Men 15-30 mg/day.
Women 15-30 mg/day

                                                  CYTOMEL T3 100 mcg
Brand Name: Cytomel T3
Active Ingredient: Liothyronine Sodium (T3)
Manufacturer: LA Pharma

Drug Class: Synthetic thyroid hormone (Oral)
Effective Dose: Men 25-100 mcg/day......Women 25-100 mg/day
Comments: Significant suppression of Thyroid function during use
Cycle: Cutting/Dieting/Weight Loss

Cytomel T3 is manufactured by LA Pharma.
Cytomel is the brand name for the active ingredient Liothyronine Sodium (T3).

Cytomel is a thyroid hormone that speeds up the metabolism causing a faster conversion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The result is increased fat burning. This drug is usually used as a part of cut (dieting) cycles. Stack of Cytomel and Clenbuterol  is probably the best fat burning stack , Cytomel is also very popular with women. Until recently, Cytomel was used by bodybuilders and female bodybuilders, in particular-on a Cytomel daily basis over several months to remain "hard" and in good shape all year round. The over stimulated thyroid burns calories like a blast furnace. Nowadays, instead of this drug, athletes use Clenbuterol which is becoming more and more popular. Combining Clenbuterol and Cytomel T3 will burn an enormous amount of fat. The next time you read that a certain pro bodybuilder approaching a championship competition is still eating 4000 calories a day, you will know why. Cytomel is also popular among female bodybuilders. Since women generally have slower metabolisms than men, it is extremely difficult for them to obtain the right form for a competition given today's standards. A drastic reduction of food and calories below the 1000 calorie/day mark can often be avoided. Women, no doubt, are more prone to side effects than men but usually get along well with 50 mcg/day. A short-term intake of Cytomel in a reasonable dosage is certainly "healthier" than an extreme hunger diet

The exceeding the individual limits of compatibility for liothyronine or taking an overdose, especially, if the dose of Cytomel T3 is increased too quickly at the beginning of the treatment, can cause the following clinical symptoms for a thyroid hyperfunction: heart palpitation, trembling, irregular heartbeat, heart oppression, agitation, shortness of breath, excretion of sugar through the urine, excessive perspiration, diarrhea, weight loss psychic disorders, etc., as well as symptoms of hypersensitivity." Our experience is that most symptoms consist of trembling of hands, nausea, headaches, high perspiration, and increased heartbeat.
These negative side effects of Cytomel - Liothyronine Sodium can often be eliminated by temporarily reducing the daily dosage

As for the dosage, one should be very careful since Cytomel is a very strong and highly effective thyroid hormone. It is extremely important that one begins with a low dosage, increasing it slowly and evenly over the course of several days.
Most begin by taking one 25mcg tablet per day and increasing Cytomel dosage every three to four days by 25mcg. In doses higher than 100 mcg/day that are not necessary nor advisable.
It is not recommended that the daily dose be taken all at once but broken down into three smaller individual doses so that they become more effective.
It is also important that Cytomel not be taken for more than six weeks. At least two months of abstinence needs to follow. Those who take high dosages of Cytomel over a long period of time are at risk of developing a chronic thyroid insufficiency. As a consequence, one might be forced to take thyroid medication for the rest of his life.
It is also important that the dosage is reduced slowly and evenly by taking fewer tablets and not be ended abruptly


Anabolicfreak carries the highest quality diuretic products, valued for excreting water. Designed for people who have a serious drive to drop water weight for muscle definition.
                                                             LASIX 40mg
Brand Name: Lasix
Active Ingredient: Furosemide

Active Life: 3-4 hours
Effective Dose: Men 20-40 mg/day......Women 20-40 mg/day
Water Retention: No, Lasix extracts water from body
Cycle: Cutting/Dieting/Weight Loss

Lasix is the common brand name for the active ingredient Furosemide.

Furosemide is a very potent diuretic. Technically Lasix belongs to a class of drugs known as loop diuretics, which will cause the body to excrete water as well as potassium, sodium and chloride. Loop diuretics including Lasix are among the strongest such drugs available, having an extremely dramatic effect on fluid levels in the body. Potassium levels need to be particularly watched, Lasix greatly increasing the amount excreted. The use of a prescription potassium supplement therefore is often required to keep levels in balance, otherwise a serious heart complications might develop. Mistakes in potassium dosage have equally serious consequences, so Lasix is clearly a risky item to use. But when an athlete needs to shed water, it is very difficult to find something like Lasix that works better.

Athletes use diuretics including Lasix for a couple of specific purposes. Competitive athletes use Lasix to drop water weight, in an effort to make adjustments in their weight class standings. Since the weigh-in is most often a day or days before a competition/match, one can drop their bodyweight considerably and be back to normal within hours after rehydration. Use of Lasix logically seems to provide an unfair advantage, the athlete competing at a much heavier weight than believed. This advantage of Lasix is only offset by the now near universal nature of this practice. Bodybuilders also rely heavily on Lasix when preparing for a contest. It can efficiently lower subcutaneous water concentrations, helping to produce that super-ripped look so common on stage today. Make no mistake; a winning look is extremely difficult to obtain without some form of diuretic for example Lasix

Since Lasix has such a strong effect on electrolyte and potassium levels. It is important to remember that Lasix can be active for many hours. It can become difficult to control the dehydrating effect with an overlapping schedule, so one should be careful not to administer such diuretics including Lasix too frequently

Each oral Lasix tablet becomes effective about 1 hour after ingesting and will remain active for an additional 3 or 4 hours. The athlete will usually start with a mild dose of Lasix, and add to this amount accordingly later in the day. The initial dosage is usually 20 to 40mg, with the maximum amount usually not to exceed 80mg. The user will attempt to calculate the optimal Lasix's dosage, and determine the best intake schedule in relation to the show or competition. In order to minimize the side effects associated with Lasix, it is generally used for no longer than a few days