
                                                    NOLVADEX 20 mg
Brand Name: Nolvadex
Active Ingredient: Tamoxifen Citrate
FDA/USP Approved: Yes

Active Life: 5-7 days
Drug Class: Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (Oral)
Effective Dose: Men 20-40 mg/day......Women 20 mg/day
Water Retention: No
High Blood Pressure: Rare
Liver Toxic: Low
Cycle: Post Cycle Theraphy (PCT)

Nolvadex is the common brand name for the active ingredient Tamoxifen Citrate.

Nolvadex is a potent nonsteroidal anti-estrogen. It is indicated for use in estrogen dependent tumors, i.e. breast cancer. Steroid users take Nolvadex to prevent the effects of estrogen in the body. This estrogen is most often the result of aromatizing steroids. Nolvadex can aid in preventing edema, gynecomastia (female breast tissue development/male breasts), and female pattern fat distribution, all of which might occur when a man's estrogen levels are too high. Also, these effects can occur when androgen levels are too low, making estrogen the predominant hormone. This can occur when endogenous androgens have been suppressed by the prolonged use of exogenous steroids. Nolvadex works by competitively binding to target estrogen sites like those at the breast.

This drug is not toxic nor have any side effects been seen in athletes who used the drug as an anti-estrogen. This drug is the most popular anti- estrogen amongst steroid users. Nolvadex is mostly used in the Post Cycle Therapy (the cycle started after your steroid cycle), for heavy androgenic steroid cycles Nolvadex should be used throughout the steroid cycle.

In the Post Cycle Therapy Nolvadex prevents the effects of high estrogen in the body (prevents Gynecomastia/female breasts), Clomid is used to start your body's natural testosterone production in the testis. HCG is used to prepare the testis (make testis bigger in size/back to orginal size) for its own natural testosterone production.
Using Nolvadex and Clomid together is recommended, for high androgenic steroid cycles the use of Nolvadex (everyday throughout cycle), Clomid (commence 2-3 weeks after last injection) and HCG (commence in the last week of steroid cycle/2 weeks) is recommended.
Neglecting to do a PCT (going cold turkey) could take anywhere from 3 months to 4 years for your body's natural production of hormones to be restored, also leaving you feeling depleted for months to years (de-masculinized), depressed, body fat accumulation, water retention, female breast tissue development/female breasts and you will notice substantial muscle loss.

Nolvadex has almost no side effects. May lower your sex drive.
Men 20-40 mg/day for 2-3 weeks (Post Cycle Therapy). Heavy cycles 40-60 mg/day for 3 weeks (Post Cycle Therapy). Heavy androgenic cycles 10-20 mg/day (use throughout steroid cycle).
Women 20 mg/day


                                                      CLOMID 50 mg -  
Brand Name: Clomid
Active Ingredient: Clomiphene Citrate
FDA/USP Approved: Yes

Active Life: 5-7 days
Drug Class: Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (Oral)
Effective Dose: Men 50-100 mg/day......Women 50 mg/day
Water Retention: No
High Blood Pressure: Rare
Liver Toxic: Low
Aromatization: None
Decrease HPTA function: No, Clomid is used to restore your HPTA function
Strong gonadotropin stimulator/mild anti-estrogen
Cycle: Post Cycle Theraphy (PCT)

Clomid is the brand name for the active ingredient Clomiphene Citrate.

Clomid is used in your Post Cycle Therapy/PCT.
Most anabolic steroids, especially the androgens, cause inhibition of the body's own testosterone production. When a bodybuilder comes off a steroid cycle, natural testosterone production is zero and the levels of the steroids taken in the blood are diminishing. This leaves the ratios of catabolic : anabolic hormones in the blood high, hence the body is in a state of catabolism, and, as a result, much of the muscle tissue that was gained on the cycle is now going to be lost.

Clomid stimulates the hypothalamus to, in turn stimulant the anterior pituitary gland (aka hypophysis) to release gonadotrophic hormones. The gonadotrophic hormones are follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH - aka interstitial cell stimulating hormone (ICSH)). FSH stimulates the testes to produce more testosterone, and LH stimulates them to secrete more testosterone. This feedback mechanism is known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-testes axis (HPTA), and results in an increase of the body's own testosterone production and blood levels rise, to, in part, compensate for the diminishing levels of exogenous steroids. This is vital to minimise post cycle muscle losses. In your Post Cycle Therapy Clomid helps in starting your body's own testosterone production.
Not all steroids do cause shut down of the feedback mechanism. Everyone is different and you must also take into account how long you have been using a certain steroid and at what dose in order to determine if you need Clomid or not.

Clomid also works as an anti-estrogen. As it's a weak synthetic estrogen, it binds to estrogen receptors on cells blocking them to estrogen in the blood. This minimises the negative effects like gynecomastia/women breasts and water retention that may be a result of estrogen that has aromatised from testosterone.
It's effect as an anti-estrogen are quite weak though, and it should not be relied upon if you are going to be using androgenic steroids that aromatise at a rapid rate, or if you are pre-disposed to gynecomastia/female breasts. Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) is a far more effective anti-estrogen.

It is also prescribed medically to aid ovulation in low fertility females.

The list below determines when you should start Clomid in your PCT/Post Cycle Theraphy. Select from the list any steroids you've used in your cycle and whichever one has the latest starting point/last administration is the time to commence Clomid.
For example, if Dianabol, Sustanon and Winstrol were cycled, the time for administering Clomid should be 3 weeks post cycle, as Sustanon remains active in the body for the longest period of time

SteroidTime after last administrationLength of Clomid Cycle
Anadrol/Androlic8 - 16 hours2 - 3 weeks
Deca14 - 16 days2 - 3 weeks
Anabol6 - 8 hours2 - 3 weeks
Boldenone14 - 16 days2 - 3 weeks
Trenbolone5 - 7 days2 - 3 weeks
Primobolan10 - 14 days10 - 14 days
Sustanon3 weeks2 - 3 weeks
Testosterone Cypionate15 - 16 days2 - 3 weeks
Testosterone Enanthate15 - 16 days2 - 3 weeks
Testosterone Propionate2 - 3 days10 - 14 days
Winstrol48 hours10 - 14 days

Clomid's ability to function is based on its ability to block receptors for estrogen. The body believes that estrogen levels are lower than they really are. Most Clomid side effects are similar to those seen in women who have low estrogen levels.
Side effects that occur in 10% of patients
:hot flashes, headaches.Other side effects, including allergic reactions, have been reported but with an incidence of less than 1%Men 50 mg/day for 3-4 weeks. Heavy cycles 50-100mg/day for 3-4 weeks (1st day 300mg)
Women 50 mg/day. Aid ovulation in low fertility females. Clomid is an oral medication commonly used in infertility treatment.
Clomid is used in your Post Cycle Therapy