Stack cycles

Stacking is when two or more anabolic steroids are being used at the same time during a cycle.
The time period in which a body builder or person uses these anabolic steroids is called a "steroid cycle". Athletes stack anabolic steroids with other drugs to help maximize the results of their cycle. It has been shown that steroid stacks can cause an even more dramatic effect on the users muscle, than when taking only one type of steroid. Different anabolic steroids have different effects on the body, so when two different steroids are introduced (stacked) together, often times you will see the muscle gaining side effects of each different steroid! These steroid cycles may also include taking one particular anabolic steroid at the beginning of the steroid cycle and finishing up with a different steroid at the end, to better enhance the users desired result. Steroid stacks have been used for years and have proven to be a more effective way to build quality muscle than when using only one type of steroid. One very important thing to note: when using more than one anabolic steroid in a stack or cycle, the risk of harmful side effects increases. Within a steroid cycle, the users will often stack other non-anabolic drugs into their program to help minimize these steroid side effects

Mass Builder Cycles DECA:Anabol(10weeks)

Ingredients - 1 x 10ml bottle Deca 250mg/1mg
- 100 x Anabol 10mg (methandrostenolone)
Comments - Clomid cycle should start 14-16 days (around 2 weeks) after your last Deca injection/administration.
If your last injection is on the start of the 10th week - Clomid will start on the start of the 12th week.
- Nolvadex can be taken everyday through-out the cycle taking 10-20mg/day. This is ideal for users who are sensitive to gynecomastia

1250 mg
2250 mg
3250 mg
4250 mg20 mg/day
5250 mg20 mg/day
6250 mg20 mg/day
7250 mg20 mg/day
8250 mg20 mg/day
9250 mg20 mg/day
10250 mg20 mg/day
1110-20 mg/day
1210-20 mg/day50 mg/day
1350 mg/day

Cutting/Lean Mass Cycles Deca/Mesterolone/Winstrol (11 weeks

Ingredients - 1 x 10ml bottle Deca 250mg/1ml
- 140 x Mesterolone 25mg
- 100 x Winstrol 10mg
Comments- This is an extremely effective cutting/lean mass cycle. The Mesterolone adds good androgen content to the Deca base, which often is too anabolic to use on its own. The Winstrol added later greatly enhances the fat burning and anabolic nature of the combination.

- Clomid cycle should start 14-16 days (around 2 weeks) after your last Deca injection/administration.
If your last injection is on the start of the 14th week - Clomid will start on the start of the 16th week.
- Nolvadex is not needed everyday through-out the cycle
1250 mg
2250 mg50 mg/day
3250 mg50 mg/day
4250 mg50 mg/day
5250 mg50 mg/day20 mg/day
6250 mg50 mg/day20 mg/day
7250 mg50 mg/day20 mg/day
8250 mg50 mg/day20 mg/day
9250 mg50 mg/day20 mg/day
10250 mg50 mg/day20 mg/day
1150 mg/day20 mg/day10-20 mg/day
1210-20 mg/day50-100 mg/day
1310-20 mg/day50-100 mg/day

                        Intermediate and advanced stack
Sustanon/Anadrol (8 weeks)

Ingredients - 2 x 10ml bottle Sustanon 250mg/1mg
- 100 x Anadrol 50mg
Comments- This is the classic Sustanon/Anadrol stack. If you are looking for sheer mass, you are not going to find a better mix. Be warned though, estrogenic side effects are likely to be intense. It is a good idea to have Nolvadex close by.

- Clomid cycle should start 3 weeks after your last Sustanon injection/administration.
If your last injection is on the start of the 7th week - Clomid will start on the start of the 10th week.
- Nolvadex can be taken everyday through-out the cycle taking 10-20mg/day. This is ideal for users who are sensitive to gynecomastia
1750 mg
2750 mg100 mg/day
3750 mg100 mg/day
4750 mg100 mg/day
5750 mg100 mg/day
6750 mg100 mg/day10-20 mg/day
7500 mg100 mg/day10-20 mg/day
8100 mg/day10-20 mg/day
910-20 mg/day
1010-20 mg/day50-100 mg/day
1150-100 mg/day